Greenfield Primary School

Language & Communication (Wellcomm)

At Greenfield Primary School we are passionate about giving each child the best start in their Primary Education. Language and communication is a vital part of a child's development and begins as soon as they are born. If a child is not able to communicate effectively it can affect all areas of their life and we have a programme in place to help each child achieve to their full potential.

We use a programme called Wellcomm and it helps us to identify children who are experiencing barriers to speech and language development so that we can support them early in their education journey.

What can you do at home to help?

  • Talk! Talk! Talk! The more you talk to your child, the better. Involving young children in back and forth conversations will help build their vocabulary.
  • Read! read as many stories as you can. If you read one story book to your child every day they will be exposed to an estimated 78,000 new words a year!
For any queries from parents and other members of the public please contact Mrs. Jones, Ms Hussain and Mrs. Petrie in the school office.