Greenfield Primary School

Breakfast and After School Club

This is our new Breakfast and After school club phone number 07377 276 208. We have set up a Whatsapp number to be used for communication regarding BASC. Please Whatsapp message only with your name and your child or children's name and class and we will respond within BASC hours only. 
This Whatsapp is for bookings and any enquiries which you may have regarding Breakfast and After school club.
For any new bookings please collect a registration form from the office during school hours. 

You must register for a space by filling out a registration form before being able to pay via ParentPay.  This is to avoid any disappointment due to there being limited spaces available.  Registration forms are available from the BASC or School Office.

You will find the Breakfast and Afterschool club details where it says to 'Book Meals and Places'

 You are welcome to come and visit the club during the opening hours.

Access for parents is via the school pedestrian gate, press the button for BASC club.  Walk across the playground the club is directly in front of you.  

BREAKFAST CLUB £6.50* per session

We care for children of working parents  from 3 yrs -11 yrs. Children enjoy a selection of healthy breakfast choices such as:

  • Cereal
  • Toast
  • Juices
  • Tea
  • Fruit
AFTER SCHOOL CLUB £10.50* per session
We care for children of working parents  from 4 yrs -11 yrs. After school club includes activities and a light tea and snacks.


For further information contact the school on 

01922 682 234 / 07377 276 208


About Us

The club is run by 3 members of staff:

  • Mrs Begum, Playleader Manager
  • Mrs Worrallo, Breakfast Club Leader
  • Miss Mace, After school Club Leader


NOTE: *Pricing may be subject to change.


For any queries from parents and other members of the public please contact Mrs. Jones, Ms Hussain and Mrs. Petrie in the school office.