Year 2
Blake Class - 2024/25
Welcome to Blake Class, We are looking forward to working with the children over the course of this year, and seeing their progress. If you ever have any questions or queries, please let us know.
Class Teacher: Mrs C Williams
Teaching Assistant: Mrs G Kaur
PPA cover: Mrs P Beech
Lunchtime Supervisor: Miss E Goddard
Useful Information
Our PE sessions this term will be on Fridays.
Children are to come to school wearing their PE kits. Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather. Our school PE kit consists of dark-coloured plain shorts or tracksuit bottoms, plain white T-shirt, trainers for outside. A sweatshirt can also be worn in colder months.
Hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn.
Forest School
Forest School will take place for Year 2 on a Tuesday afternoons (Autumn 1, Spring 1, Summer 1). Children should bring their forest school clothes to school in a named bag on the correct day. Forest School clothing should include a long sleeved top, long trousers, waterproof jacket/trousers or suit and appropriate footwear (wellies, walking boots, old trainers). Please make sure that their clothing is weather appropriate (smaller layers are better that one layer especially on colder days). We will go out whatever the weather!
Reading Books
Children should bring their reading books into school everyday, to enable us to read with them in class. Books will be changed weekly.
Homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be handed in on Tuesday. This enables families with lots on to complete after the weekend. Children also have access to Numbots this online platform equips children with the set of core maths skills they require by building their knowledge from the ground up - starting at the very beginning with subitising. Children should aim to practice a few minutes a day if possible.