Greenfield Primary School

School Meals


Healthy snacks can be brought to school for playtime. No crisps or chocolates please.

Children can buy toast every day for 30p and pancakes for 50p. Please place monies in an envelope with your child's name and class on. You can pay for these snacks daily or for the week using ParentPay. 

All orders for snacks and meals need to be made by 8.30am every morning for the same day.



Please contact Mrs Jones in the school office for support with this.

The document below is the 3 week lunch menu. Please look at the dates along the top of each menu to see which menu is the correct one for the week. All your choices (and payment) need to be made via ParentPay. The menu is on ParentPay, so you can choose which items you would like. This includes ordering meals if you get them for free. If meals are not ordered in advance and your child needs a meal at school, they will be given the allergen safe menu of jacket potato and beans followed by fruit.

Please contact Mrs Jones in the school office for support with this.

If you pay for meals they are £2.55 per day.


For any queries from parents and other members of the public please contact Mrs. Jones, Ms Hussain and Mrs. Petrie in the school office.