Greenfield Primary School

Contact Us

Greenfield Primary School

Coalheath Lane



West Midlands



School opening times: 8:45am - 3:15pm

Office opening times: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Telephone: 01922 682234



Head teacher : Mrs C. Tranter

Deputy Head: Ms D Ellson

SENDCO: Ms Perry

Business Manager: Mrs J Petrie


Part of the Central Co-operative Learning Trust

Outwoods Primary School


Harehedge Lane

Burton-on Trent


DE13 0AS

0779 482 1471

 Company Number: 10973765

Part of the UK the Trust is registered is England


Should any parent or carer wish to have paper copies of any documents on this website, please inform the school office and we will provide these free of charge.  

For any queries from parents and other members of the public please contact Mrs. Jones, Ms Hussain and Mrs. Petrie in the school office.


Contact Us

For any queries from parents and other members of the public please contact Mrs. Jones, Ms Hussain and Mrs. Petrie in the school office.