Greenfield Primary School

The Den


Welcome to The Den! We are looking forward to  working with the children over the course of this year, and seeing their progress. If you ever have any questions or queries please let us know.
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Class Teacher: Mrs Howship

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Coman(AM) Mrs Bagum

PPA Cover: Mrs Sheldon (Wednesday PM)

Lunchtime Supervisor: Mrs Nahar

Useful Information:


Our PE sessions this year will be on Mondays.

Children are to come to school wearing their PE kits.  Our school PE kit consists of dark-coloured plain shorts or tracksuit bottoms, plain white T-shirt and black pumps. A sweatshirt can also be worn in colder months.

Hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn. 

Forest School

Forest School will take place  on Tuesday afternoons. The children are able to come to school in their Forest School clothes: suitable trousers, a long sleeved top, waterproof clothing and appropriate footwear (e.g. trainers, wellies or walking boots). Please make sure that their clothing is weather appropriate (e.g. extra layers in the winter) as we will go out whatever the weather!

Reading Books

Reading books will be changed once weekly. Please make sure that your children's reading books are in their bag each day, as we will read with them whenever we are able to.


Homework will be sent home on a Friday. 

For any queries from parents and other members of the public please contact Mrs. Jones, Ms Hussain and Mrs. Petrie in the school office.